Natural Animal
Health Innovations

To Improve Performance
And Profitability

Welcome To Natural Biologics

We provide the science and innovation behind formulations of natural compounds that deliver unique solutions to animal health and productivity challenges.

Chicken and pig icon

Choose Your Product

Pure yeast culture for optimal rumen and digestive efficiency
Unique formulation for advanced pathogen-challenge support

Delivers the right combination of gut health and immune system support.

Highly concentrated, natural gut health and immune support
Natural gut health enhancement, including targeted Clostridia mitigation

Helps support the immune system and support your organic production systems.

Natural calf gut health and immune support
Supporting a robust immune system
Broad-Spectrum Mitigant with Anti-inflammatory properties
Concentrated yeast components for gut health and efficiency.

Concentrated yeast components with the addition of bacillus subtilis

Combining Microbiota Analysis with Artificial Intelligence to Deliver Unique Results

Natural protection against toxins and pathogens